Are you working on Research & Development in Plant Sciences

We also provide ELISA and PCR kits for your research


We provides services in nucleic acid isolation to Serological Diagnostic Kits, from LAMP PCR Analyzes to Laboratory Setup Services.

Nucleic acid Isolation Kits

Total DNA/RNA isolation kits, Plasmid monitoring kits, Robotic system compatible isolation kits

qPCR kits

Taqman/Sybr green analysis kits, Taqman/Sybr green disease diagnostic kits, Immunocapture qPCR disease diagnostic kits, Primary-probe design, synthesis and analysis optimization support


ELISA disease diagnostic kits, Strip tests, Lateral flow tests, Analysis optimization support

Consultancy Services

Tissue Culture

Tissue Culture Laboratory

Training / operational support on micro propagation, disease-free plant production procedures in theory and practice

Consultancy support on issues such as handicaps in new product production, production process, commercialization

Consultancy services on issues such as the preparation of plant-specific growing media procedures


Years Of Experience

in Plant Protection


Successful Projects

with Industry and Academia



Manfactureer of PSQC approved products

Want to Discuss with Us?

Our Experts in Microbiology, Molecular biology and Industrial Chemistry are avaialble for your help

Active Crop Sciences (Pvt) Ltd.

Industrial Estate Area, Multan, Pakistan.

(+92) 300-2020574

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